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Propagate Cooperative “Prop Coop” is a beurgoning Arts and Cultural entity being incubated in and around Chicago, IL or as far as its rhizome reaches.


If you would like to work with or become part in hole


through email at
and through DM @propco.op


For Clarity:


          As things begin to branch out + extend + more gears begin churning,

                                        we would like to offer some transparency and insight

                                             into what this page is currently setting out to do.

Propagate Cooperative is in its current- but not final or permanent - state of existence.

     We would like to fulfill a number of goals (some short term, some long term)

                                all unified in wanting to Uplift one another,

                               To create a community/system of communities,

              ——that won’t need to bend to the will of the current art market

                    (which depends upon singling out individual artists

               under the guise of individual success but really leaves each one of us

                                            surrendered, unattached, rootless, and  exploited).

                          There should be no art “market” if it exists in any way

                       similar to the current state of the    contemporary art world.

                                             Rootless plants are dying…

                                      We must find ways to Grow together,

                               to collectively believe in something Shapeless,

                           Fluid, Conscious, Critical, Kind, + Self Sustaining.

                                                      Our knowledge

                              (academic, experience-based, intuitional, etc)

                                  collectively forms something Rhizomatic.

                            We all live to share this knowledge with one another,

                       to use our collective ability to empathize with one another

                     &&& use critical thinking as our tool to gather ourselves together!

                               We are not asking for you to project any beliefs

                                        onto this co-op project in particular

                       but instead for each one of us to find things we believe in,

                                      ———cling tight to each other———

                     never let any One belief or Understanding become absolute.

   We need to heal, uplift, educate, listen, help, be helped, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow.

                                       PropCo may become many things,

                   this is all dependent on each of our decisions made together,

                                          our collective ideals and goals.

If you are reading this and have a desire to be a part of that rhizome, then you already are….

                  Humans can die out from a lack of connection to each other/connection to      

    something, this last year has made it so clearly evident that we need each other to survive.


                                                     Of course,

              there will always be other spaces and projects that have similar goals.

                    We are not attempting to exist in competition with anyone

                    but with hope to continue merging + sharing + reaching out.

                                        We all must become a Network.

                                We all have enough room for one another….

                            Simply, the biggest missing inputs are organizational.

Currently, the goals are looking towards facilitating space to exhibit our peer’s art,

            help distribute and platform art, platform others for educational purposes,

     make collaborational projects + critique spaces fully accessible- essentially make it easier for     

                                               us to find one another.

There will be more posts shortly inquiring about participation in group activities,

shows, etc, etc, etc. but our dms are always open if you have some ideas that you want to                                                                                

                          propose, share, or if you’d like to get together

    and talk about your feelings towards the future of all of our artistic practices!

                                    More soon! We need 2 Love one another <3

and be well

Propagate Cooperative